Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 8, a little different.

So I took some pictures today of really random crap...I hate them all! I got to thinking that this is only day 8 and I already want to quit! I really do not want to quit so I tried to figure out why I am so uninspired. Besides the really crappy weather I think it is a lack of accomplishing stuff. I am so far behind on my scrapbooks that is not even funny, I have so many unedited photos that I am actually afraid to know the number and on top of that I really want to start portfolio building this year but the lack of time makes it seem impossible. So in an effort to accomplish at least some of this I have a new plan for my 365. I intend on taking pictures most days, other days I will either finish a scrapbook page or edit some of these stinking photos! If and when I do get a business together I would really love to not have to have all this 'baggage' left unattended.

So today I did a page :-) it is from June of '08, I said I was behind!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Days 4, 5, 6 and 7!

Day 4: Today I am thankful for Dr.Seuss! Gaby insists on reading the same books over and over and has quite a few memorized. I am just glad that Dr. Seuss stories are so entertaining or I would go crazy.

Day 5: I am thankful for story-time. It is my favorite time of day...maybe it is because it is quickly followed by nap/nighttime ;-)

Day 6: I am always thankful for my girls...playing together, so cute!

Day 7: I am thankful for dinner with my family, due to the fact that I work evenings I only get 2-3 evenings with my family so I truly enjoy our time together, especially dinnertime.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3

My favorite thing today: Gaby's drawings. She loves to draw pretty much anything and I always have my mom goggles on because I think they are great! This drawing is of a little girl, she may have hands and legs growing out of her head but isn't she cute!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

My favorite thing #2: coffee!! I could not live without it(although I know I did once, a long, long time ago probably even in an galaxy far, far away). I also could not live without the milk and sweet'n'low that I put into it. MMMMMM, coffee!!

Day 1

I have decided to start my 365 with my favorite things.

Favorite thing #1: Post-nap time with Amelie.

Ami is almost always the first to wake up after I put the girls down for a nap. After she wakes up she is in a great mood and her and I get some one-on-one time, some days we play, some days we cuddle, some days we watch ...Hannah Montana, lol. It is a great time for us and something I look forward to everyday.